Let’s talk about backgrounds.Oftentimes, mapping is all about tilesets – grids containing all the elements appearing on the screen, mixed and combined to form the final product. And it works: most of the best works of the 2D Era worked with tilesets, reaching results still impressive as of today with a relatively limited palette of…
Devlog #1 – 10K views and our “secret” to animations!
Hi everyone!? Woohoo, the reveal trailer for Children of Silentown hits 10K views on YouTube! ? Thank you all for all the interest, the support and the love! If you haven’t already, give it a look, smash that “like” button and… WISHLIST NOW! Also, it’s time for a small update! We are currently working on…
How to Make a Stained Glass Game: Creation
Here we are with the second part of our stained glass game graphics’ article. You can find the first part on the link below: http://www.elfgamesworks.com/2017/03/13/howto-stained-glass-game-inspirations/ Today we’ll talk about how Little Briar Rose‘s graphics are created, moving from the study to the drawing of the backgrounds. Moreover, we’ll talk about a few key things to keep…
How to Make a Stained Glass Game: Inspirations
A Journey from Traditional Art to Video Games One of the most common questions about Little Briar Rose asked from players, journos and even my family is: how did you achieve such a stained glass style? It was hard to summarize days of work in a few words, so I finally decided to write a…